I am ok and Tereza is floating 9#S


Tereza  is now at Cuba: Exactly in Marina Guilermo.

And it has Cubanian permit for cruosing.cubasailing


After of week of eating of creekers, apples, and oranges with vomiting because of sea seaknes and of hard sealing in bad weather.


And now the hart  breaking story. Tereza and me did survive almost two hours of wind dragging over the coral rif in the middle of the night.


  1. I did just take down the main sail (dark blue)
  2. And put on small storm sail (violet)
  3. The agony begun (small arrow of red color). Ja, after first hit I started the engine , to get out. But it was already to late. Tereza was on on right side in seconds. Dragged by wind  deeper and dapper on coral refs. I was running the engine at full power in trans until the engine did not stop. (It was air in diesel injection system)now is ok again)).
  4. (violet2)After two hours of striking the tide have begun  to increase and I decided to tray to get out with storm sail.I did put it on again and with Tereza we did. Jim has told me once:” If you get stokd throw anchor immediately And if you are lucky the tide will come and you will move away save”. But I did forgot it. Jim where are you now?

(green)There I was on anchor at 12 feet again and I did not care because wind was dragging me for almost one mile before the rescue has come to drag me into marina. My engine was not running. The cylinder for rudder is bent (attached

picture below). So I could just wait. But I was working and I did auxiliary staring system on my wind autopilot to move with small sail. And just in the moments I was getting the strength to go the costal guard was calling me that they will come in one hour. So I stop. I almost forget. Some fishermen did drag my ding back. In the : I do not know how to cal it, also my dinghy was raped away. A did untie the rope and attached it closer to the boat so I could just jump in case Tereza did fall in peaces. But the metal did broke (I just can not get to accept the forces of wind and waves). And  the dinghy got stocked with rope between corals 30 m away forcing me to think if I should jump in the water and swimming between corals in the dark. And I was thinking that I will probably have to do as last case. I have take my passport, cash and credit cards in nylon bag , water and olfa knife. And in some moments I was conscious how calm I was at that time. I did take it as a fact if it has to finish in this way then it should be like this. I was to say that in that time I had dinghy back and I had already attached Yamaha outboard on it. So I could easily get to island.


6.There is  a mark for “something” but 1,5 mile away (orange arrow).


7.The brown line is Cuban costal guard dragging me. I did cost me 750$.


 Part where  red color arrow is pointing  from the picture above.



This is how rifs from 15  miles before are looking on GPS.rif


On the picture below no sign of any rif. And also in that zoom no sing of that strange mark where orange arrow is pointing  from main picture above. In green circles you may see depth in feet. Divide it b 3 and you will get meters.


Tomorrow I will go under the water with an mechanic here from marina to see in what shape is bottom of Tereza.Next is bent rudder cylinder.


It hapened here:


And one bright for the end.







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