Statistic of visitors on my blog from 15 of january #5P sz2



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I can see that i had the most of visitors at 18 and 25 of january. When i was checking why i could see that i did upload two videos at that time. And it looks that both of them have better potential than others. Yes , i am always forgetting to say that i did had find my camera. It was in internal pocket of my small bag. I did find it out when i was looking to find a brush after returning from shopping. What to say now. I am feeling uncomfortable that i did such a drama. I am not sure if i am trying at my best. Yes, I am i know that.
And i my see that in general traffic on my blog is slowly increasing. I am working on it – to get your attention.
I will answer to this question in the next future. I am going to work now. And back to what makes me happy.

(Pleas, thake  a look back three posts: Jasna and Jim did sent me some photos.)

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