Traveling 2 #36M sz2

I did add some data to my last blog.

Check it.

And traveling is an information input.  As it is a game. And  traveling is when i acquire something new.  And new is interesting.   New gives a challenge.

There is an another option TV or a book. It works the same. And it is cheaper and less troubles.  But why then i did not  choose something virtual . Because of feelings.  And because of universal impulse to evolve and  to produce.


I know i am boring. I should to do an video now.  I am trying to pleas you because i care. It is an beautiful moment now. The day is getting on. Can you see it through my eyes?  But also latter you can go for a walk in the grassland, between flowers. And you can peek them and bring them to who do you love. You see i do not have this now. You are better then me.

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