Jumping around and day goes by #15M sz2


“Jumping around and day goes by”

it could be first verse of an poem. But not now…. no poems.

“I did miss a party yesterday”   And still look i have to go:


Jumping around and day goes by

I did miss a party yesterday

Knowing sun will rise again today


Enough.. A friend from Jacksonville did come for internet to marine office. I am going to say hello to him. Ok. I will go in minutes when bar will open to pay him a coffee. Once i did call him “My guardian angel”  I  need a coffee also. Yesterday i did check gas pipe before starting my oven and i have find one bad pipe.That’s i can not cook jet. Probably it would hold for another season, but i can not take a risk. Take a look to crack between my thumb and forefinger. (you can click on picture to enlarge)


I had to pay 225 Quetzal what is equal to 30$.   The first price was 35$ but i was acting like i will lose my consciousness in and fall on the ground in a seconds, that’s why  then vendor did lover the price. Yes, i was relay shocked.



Thanx to my rusty bike I could  do  to shopping easier to begin work on bottom today. It is fine that i could start  my rusty bike again,   I had to exchange internal tire  and front wheel bearing.

It is time to go.




  1. Ola dude

    All the best on your journey! You are not alone ?I’m enjoying reading yours post and can imagine yours decisions.
    We personally don’t know eachother, there will be still time in future to drink something when (if) you’ll be back. You went earlier than I tought… Nevertheless, try to enjoy and understand life as it come.

    Vse dobro vsem

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