Transantlantic crrosing has been done #T13

I can’t blame Windy, for the wrong weather forecast or weather itself. That’s it’s how it has come. But still I cannot be without sorrow for 7 days of drifting without the wind.

I should overcome this taste of waste in a few days and take my transatlantic trip as it deserves with joy and satisfaction. I have conquered the Atlantic.

Passing through the Gibraltar strait along the Spanish coast was quite simple. The wind was blowing from behind and sometimes the speed reached 9 knots. The current because of difference of height between Atlantic and Mediterranean is 3 knots. And also I was programing the trip to enter with high tide

Tereza has got to anchorage in front of marina of La linea( Spanish town on the border with Gibraltar) without any troubles. The anchorage is holding good and gives good shelter except for the wind from west which can get through entrance of port. With this post I am concluding the Transantlantic blogging series.

Next coming  is Transmediterian.


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