I did forgot to mention Goran on Skype #11Pe sz2


(English translation on the end:)

Goran [1.6.2016 5:26:27]: Kako je 🙂

Ivan [1.6.2016 5:29:10]:  Brskam po internetu, da se utrudim, da se nebom prebujal ponocci. Ti?

Goran [1.6.2016 5:29:10]:Sem na dopustu in se sedaj vozim iz  “toccka 1” v “toccka 2”. Je dolga pot pa malo blodim na internetu. Kje se ti nahajaš?

Ivan [1.6.2016 5:36:19]:Rio dulce Gutemala

Goran[1.6.2016 5:39:27:Boš štartal?

Goran [1.6.2016 5:40:00]:Verjetno teško vprašanje…

Ivan [1.6.2016 5:40:00]:Ko popravim Boss pumpo


English translation:

Goran [1.6.2016 5:26:27]: How are you 🙂  

Ivan [1.6.2016 5:29:10]:  I am browsing the internet, to get tired,to net weak up in the night. And you?

Goran [1.6.2016 5:29:10]:I am having a  holliday and i am now driving from “point 1” to “point 2”. It is a long way, so i am browsing the internet. Where are you?

Ivan [1.6.2016 5:36:19]:Rio dulce Gutemala

Goran[1.6.2016 5:39:27:Will you start?

Goran [1.6.2016 5:40:00]:Probably difficult question…

Ivan [1.6.2016 5:40:00]:When i will repair the injection pump



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