I am ready for first coat of primer. But now no pictures or videos. And for sure no any poems for this rainy evening.
This is my second sezon in Gutemala. It means that some people i am meeting again. We are not totally strangers any more.
I did begun to do yoga two days before.
I am cooking more and more each day. Now when i will return to Tereza i will boil me 3 eggs. And i will cook me soup of ….
No, change of plane. there is a lot of people siting around the table in front of office. they are smiling i am going to join them.
When is raining, it’s time to read.
Have you tried this?
I did not yet, but would like to
Vse dobro
Today was sun again. So i did work with more enthusiasm.
I did not have opportunity to try it jet. After Cuba i do always take someone to sail with me for passages.
And people doews not like to see you doing experiments.
And at Isla muheres (Mexico) when i had couple of solo trips for fun, it did not come up to me.
But i remember many sailors did told me about. It is incredible how it works. You can stop your boat in wind. It will not move. Yes it it would be great to learn this trick. Sherly Carter which did sail from South africa alone,
(check: I did meet today Nike #4P sz2) was telling me about it, when i was talking about my reef accident on Cuba.
And about editing of posts: i have to work on it. Probably i will to add some plug in for assigin special user rights.
About the book: there are some people maybe coming from Slovenia. Will see. I think the cost of shipping is
to big, but check pleas. So i will know how much can cost me in case i will need something in future.
I did change your status from subscriber to contributor. Check now about editing and if you can add a post.
I’ve check with local post office, and letter (box) from 250 – 500g ship to Guatemala cost app 7€. Delivery time is app: 10-15 days.
To me seems relatively good, but things have to be tested…in order to confirm 🙂
Vse dobro
Amazon is not sending to Gutemala. So, i will appreciate.
I will check with Tuta how much book does weight. Just in case.
Jasna Tuta was saying about 300g.
So, send it to:
KM. 274 Ruta a Peten, El Relleno Rio Dulce
Livingston Izabal, Guatemala S.A.
Contact: Karen de Lopez
For Ivan Golubar (Tereza)
Thank you.
Did you check about what rights on this site do you have now. To edit comments and also check, if you can write a blog, pleas.
I’ve check, new comment bar is present, where are visible all my comments and replies, and edit is also possible..
I can also create new posts.
Better to remove those rights…
Book is packed
Vse dobro
Rechecked, edit not possible
Today I’ve sent the packet to your address. Delivery time is expected 10-15 days. Weight is 491g, costs 4€ (normal letter costs).
Please report when you’ll receive it.
Vse dobro
Great. And thank you. We can not know what future will bring, but we have to know what we want
I would like to ask for a favor. Chan you help me to check the “contributor” status, pleas.
I will write one testing post now, and you will have to try to modificirate and delete it.
OK, can do, during the rest of the day,