Tereza iz leaking wather more and more 59#B

There are 3 next options.  I will see how thinks will turn on in next days.

1. Take Tereza out from water here for 600 dollars.
Then i do not know when, what and for how much can i get material from Mexico to Cuba.

2. Go to Mexico (300 miles), but as first make insurance. I  will do insurance wich covers damage which i can make hiting other boats or marina equipment or if i make other damage. They are asking for it.
I could not get insurance when i was starting. (they ware telling) Because i had no experience and i was alone on such a big boat.
(Ok am still alone) I could get insurance for America and Bahamas, but for other countries they were complicating that i will have to tell where i want to go and that then they will say if yes or not.
So i did give up at that time.
I am trying again I was writing to 4 insurances commpanies today. Frends from Yacksonwile did find conntacts for me.

3. Go to Rio doulce in Guatemala and do works there. And it is another 350 miles more to there.I have dubt that i can get matirial easly also there.
It is question if i get to  there.


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