In Guatemala is 63#B

already hot 28*Celsius this morning even it is cloudy and humidity is 70%. It looks that will rain again today as it was yesterday.

I did not sleep well last night. Waking up for 10 times. Changing cabins, going on deck and finally i could sleep in the morning to 10 o* clock. Why? Because  soon i will have to say good by to Tereza.

And here is video about taking Tereza out of water.

I did not enjoy much making of it. But i knew that this moment will have to come  from 8 December 2014. But i did knew at that time that i will have then to go away. Still is not such a big deal. I will come back.

And I do not know exactly how long more i will still be active with freeonbluewater. I have some video material more to edit and to upload. But after that Tereza will probably go for summer sleep.

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